Wine Quiz

Test your wine knowledge with quiz questions from our expert.

Verband deutscher Prädikatsweingüter (the Association of German Prädikat Wine Estates, or VDP) members account for what percent of the world's Riesling vines?

A royal proclamation by King Ferdinand I of Aragon declared a preference for wine from what region?

True or False? Spain's Carinena region was the first to be officially named a DO (Denomination of Origin)?

True or False: The first winery in the Horse Heaven Hills AVA opened in 1983?

How many bottles of Prosecco Superiore were produced in Italy in 2013?

Don and Linda Mercer were the first to plant wine grapes in Washington State's Horse Heaven Hills region. In what year did they plant their vines?

True or False: Washington State's Horse Heaven Hills AVA was named after an area that got its moniker from a lawyer?

True or False: the term "recioto" may be derived from the Veneto term for "ears?"

What French AOC houses the only unfortified wine in the country with a maximum alcohol content stipulation?

One of Kamptal's most prominent vineyard sites, Heiligenstein, in Austria has soil dating back to what period?