What is the best way to store wine? Is it advisable to keep it in an unheated and unair conditioned garage or is it better to keep it in a refrigerator? Thanks!
Answer From Expert Roger Bohmrich MW
For long-term wine storage, conditions should be dark, cool - somewhere in the 50s F is the generally accepted range - and, above all, stable. Ideally, humidity should be relatively high to avoid an environment which might dry out the cork. Temperature, light and humidity vary substantially in a refrigerator. Except in a few locations in temperate climates - without seasonal extremes - a garage that is not insulated, heated or air conditioned is also not a desirable place to store wine. Do you have a basement with suitable conditions, or could you build a small wine room? If not, then the best alternative would be to purchase a refrigerated wine cabinet, which come in many sizes.