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Wine Descriptions

I'd love to know what they mean when a wine is described as "funky" in the tasting notes.
Answer From Expert Roger Bohmrich MW

You can find any number of definitions of funky in general use. In terms of wine, I think those who call a wine funky may mean that it is odd or even a little unclean. That's a bit surprising since winemaking today aims for completely clean wines without flaws or defects. But anything is possible regarding the perception of smells and tastes. You might want to ask someone who uses this term (I don't myself) what exactly they mean.

About Our Expert

Roger has enjoyed a lengthy career in the wine trade as an importer and retailer, and at present he is an educator, speaker and consultant. He set up and managed Millesima USA, a New York merchant affiliated with a leading European company. Previously, he served as senior executive of importers Frederick Wildman & Sons. In recent years, Roger has judged wine competitions in Argentina, Turkey, Portugal, China and the U.S. Roger is one of America's first Masters of Wine.

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