by Shona Milne
Covering anything to do with wine or grapes in Woodinville, Washington.
by Ann Madison
Our blog talks about the beauty of North Georgia mountains, as well as the iconic food and wine artistry that the locale has perfected. We also talk about wine festivals in North Georgia and winery tours that no tourist should miss!
by David Curiel & Jeff Porter
Drink Eat Love is a collaborative labor of love between two friends, David Curiel and Jeff Porter, who met through the wine world. We want to share our passion for wine and food and the big wrapper that makes those possible and enjoyable: love. Love for those worldly pleasures and, more importantly, the spirit which made them possible and through which we connect with each other as human beings. Salud!
by Napa Sonoma Women For Winesense
Women for WineSense was formed in 1990 as a way to promote women working in the wine industry. As it evolved, it became not only one of the premiere resources for wine education and networking, but also a welcoming organization for people simply in love with wine. Our mission is simple: We are committed to being the premier wine organization offering outstanding programs, member benefits, and networking opportunities to industry professionals and wine enthusiasts.
by Lauren Voigt, Mickey Caulfield, Sam Fox
Minnesota Uncorked aims to nurture an enjoyment of wine through stories that inspire exploration of wine, of Minnesota and of Minnesota wine. There is nothing else that people eat or drink that is perceived to be “wrong” in quite the same way as wine. So, why wine? If you like it, it’s the right wine.
by Neil Mcnally
While a vineyard in Malibu may sounds glamorous, you'll soon discover that it's an intense undertaking that requires a labor of love from all involved: from pruning the vines to bud-break to harvest, to bottling the wine, to getting it to the stores and eventually into your wine glass.
by Mark Fisher
News, commentary and general irreverence from the mind and keyboard of Mark Fisher, food and dining reporter and wine columnist for the Dayton Daily News in Dayton, Ohio.
by Chris Rush
A simple Rating of wines based on whether they are worth buying...
by Hawk Haven Vineyard & Winery
Dedicated to crafting fine wines, we find some time to share our experiences in the vineyard as well as some interesting facts and helpful hints we pick up along the way.
by His Excellency, Deacon Dr. Fresh
A wine blog with attitude. Not your typical mofo, crackerjank, peckerwood deconstructionist blog. The edgy blog that the Szabos and Tony Aspler link to. Listed in the Globe and Mail City Bites as the "Most Irreverant Wine Writer". You heard me.