by Joe Hache
365 Wines In 365 Days And They’re All Under $10 “Great Tasting Wine … For The Rest Of Us” There are GREAT wines found the world over and as seen in the facts above, those of us living in Ontario are some of the luckiest wine "luvers" in the world! We have a HUGE selection of wines from around the world available to us as well as having the luxury of having a GREAT home made product as well! One of the most asked questions we get are there any good wines under $10? People will spend good money on good wine but in these days they also want to save some money. To this end we have identified almost 500 wines available from around the world in the LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario) that are indeed under $10!!! The goal is to start December 1st, 2008 and taste 365 Wines in 365 days. Joe