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Orrtanna Vintners Enjoy A Post-Retirement Career

by Stephanie Kalina-metzger

If you would have approached John and Noemi Halbrendt a decade ago and asked about their plans for retirement, it’s unlikely either would have predicted winemaking.

The couple spent years in academia before launching Halbrendt Vineyard & Winery in Orrtanna, a five-acre, boutique winery located just seven miles west of Gettysburg in the scenic foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. On the surface, it seems as if the stars aligned to take them where they are today, but as their story unfolds, it becomes obvious that much more than luck was at play as they embarked on their ‘second act.’

A Symbiotic Relationship
John and Noemi’s lives intersected on the job as they pursued their respective careers. Noemi earned her Ph.D. in plant pathology in Japan, before embarking on post-doctorate work in Winnipeg, Canada. Finding the frigid Canadian winters a bit too cold for her liking, she moved to the Philippines, accepting a job at the Philippine Rice Institute (PhilRice). Around this time, John, (who also earned a Ph.D. in the same field), decided to take a sabbatical from his job as an associate professor at Penn State to work at PhilRice. The couple met during the first week of work. “That was 27 years ago,” said John, whose colleague later hired Noemi as a Lab Assistant at the Penn State Fruit Lab in Biglerville where John worked as a Nematologist and she oversaw research projects.

The Evolution of a Boutique Business
When the couple purchased a 35-acre tract of land in 1997 in an area comprised of less than 200 residents, they did so with the idea of enjoying nature, tending a garden and allowing the dog to run freely without bothering any neighbors. According to John, they knew that a portion of the land was good for agriculture and soon discovered there was a market for wine grapes, so the couple began slowly cultivating a vineyard. “Our present vineyard was established over a period of seven years,” said John. Bit by bit, the couple planted vines, installed a trellis, and purchased a tractor, sprayer and other equipment necessary to take care of the vineyard. They also attended workshops on grape growing and learned from other growers. The couple’s expertise in plant pathology also came in handy for controlling diseases. Using pesticides judiciously became a priority. “As plant pathologists, we understand disease cycles and infection periods. By paying attention to the weather, we try to apply pesticides only when they are needed,” John said.

Soon John was inspired to begin experimenting with his own wines. “As a beginner, I knew very little about making wine, but I had plenty of grapes to practice with,” said the entrepreneur, who initially intended to make wine for gift purposes. Soon he found himself taking the hobby one step further by attending wine workshops, watching YouTube videos, reading books and networking with other winemakers. Winning several medals in international amateur competitions convinced him that he was on the right track and as the couple neared retirement, they began seriously considering running a winery, but neither was fond of the idea of going into debt. “In the beginning, the money from grape sales was used to cover the cost of establishing the vineyard and buying equipment. Later we decided that by converting our garage into the winery, we could get into the business without breaking the bank,” said John, adding that the grapes are crushed and pressed outside on the crush pad and everything else is done in the garage where the wine is filtered, stabilized, bottled and sold.

Attracting Customers
The couple, who do all the work themselves, just ended their third year in business offering varietal wines and blends made from Cabernet Franc, Chambourcin, Cayuga White, Traminette, Vidal Blanc, Chardonnay, Niagara and local fruit. At the moment, the winery features 12 different wines and sales have been increasing, primarily through word of mouth. Last year the couple sold about 1,100 gallons, estimated at approximately 5,500 bottles.
The tasting room, which accommodates about a dozen customers, is most popular during the warmer months, so the couple hosts events Christmas wreath and swag making around the holidays.

Ensuring Sustainability
The business has kept the couple active and productive after retirement and in that regard, it’s been extremely rewarding, according to John. “In terms of money in our pocket, however, it’s not making us rich, but there are enough perks to make us feel good about the business,” said John, explaining that income from the winery covers all costs associated with running it and they enjoy taking part in continuing education opportunities. “Last February we took part in a cider workshop in New Zealand,” John said.
The couple has overcome the initial learning curve and things are now down to a rhythm where they know what they need to do at each stage of the process. “I always say if we get a week behind, it takes us three weeks to catch up,” said John.

There’s also the business side that is just important, from accurate record keeping, to obtaining advice from a tax preparer and filing reports with the TTB and the PLCB. Camp Hill-based Wealth Advisor Tony Conte says that people who embark upon a second act shouldn’t lose sight of the importance of recordkeeping. “We advise people to have a good accountant and make sure your CPA can get you the right deductions.” Conte also advises entrepreneurs to build their businesses like they’re planning to sell them. “This enables them to view the operation dispassionately and if, in the end, they decide not to sell, the value is increased anyway.”

A Well-Rounded Second Act
Both John and Noemi are pleased with the direction that the winery is taking, with year-over-year increase in sales and the exercise it provides for both body and brain. The winery also provides them with the opportunity to socialize with the public and the freedom to set their own schedule. The compliments, which seem to flow as freely as the wine, are just icing on the cake. “When I hear someone say, ‘I like that,’ that’s a good feeling,” said John.

About the Author

Stephanie Kalina-metzger - Stephanie Kalina-Metzger is an award-winning writer based in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania whose work can be seen in publications across the United States.