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A Conversation With A Winemaker

by Elena Cawley

Q: How long does a bottle of wine last after it has been opened?A: Generally, the sweeter the wine and the higher the alcohol content, the longer it will last. Most dry wines are good for about 3-4 days. Sweet wines, however, can last 2-3 weeks. A port-style wine, which is higher in alcohol content, can taste great even months after it has been opened. I never have to worry about wine going bad. Wine usually lasts only about 30 minutes in my house. Q: What is the perfect temperature for serving wine?A: White wines and all sweet wines are usually served chilled. The best temperature for these wines is 50-55 degrees. Red wines show off their best characteristics served at 60-70 degrees. Whatever the temperature of your wine, remember that the atmosphere is what’s important and it should always be warm and fuzzy.Q: What determines the color of the wine? A: The color of the wine comes from the skin of the grapes. If the skins are separated from the juice before fermentation, wine made from white or red grapes is white. Red wine is made from red grapes fermented with the skins.Q: What is fermentation anyway?A: Yeast and sugars are naturally present in grapes. When we crush the grapes, the sugars start converting into alcohol through the interaction with yeast. This is when the magic starts happening.Q: Is it true that white wine is better with chicken, and red wine is better with beef?A: Pairing food with wine is all about matching or contrasting characteristics of your wine with those of your food. Light-bodied wines, which are usually white, pair well with white meats, like chicken. And, red, heavy-bodied wines, pair well with red meats, like steak. You can also match flavors. Pick a spicy wine for spicy food, or fruity wine for a fruity desert. Contrasting flavors is even more fun. Try sweet wine with a very spicy dish. Experiment, have fun and remember, wine is always better with friends.Q: Is it true that age is very important when it comes to wine?A: Definitely. The older I get, the better I like it. Oh, you mean aging the wine? Not every wine benefits from aging. Some wines taste best soon after they have been bottled. Some wines improve when they age. These are usually dry red wines that have a lot of tannins. Q: What are tannins?A: Tannins occur naturally in grape skin. Because red wines ferment with the skins, red wines have tannins. Tannins don’t really have a taste. They create a unique mouthfeel when they are present in the wine you’re tasting. Imagine you’re drinking strong, unsweetened tea. In a way it ‘dries out” your mouth. You’ll experience the same thing if you taste a wine with a lot of tannins.Q: Do you also produce Champagne?A: We make sparkling wine, which is produced the same way Champagne is made in Champagne, France. We just can’t legally call it Champagne, because it’s not made there.Q: Is it true that wine is good for your health?A: There is an antioxidant in wine, called resveratrol. Research shows that resveratrol helps prevent damage to blood vessels, improves heart function, and increases the body’s ability to use insulin. Furthermore, wine makes your life more interesting, brings people together, enhances your dining experience and makes you happier. I would say that’s definitely healthy. Q: How can I become a wine connoisseur?A: It’s easy. Just be true to yourself, try wine and be honest about what you like. True connoisseurs know what they like and don’t let anybody tell them what they should like.mspytrack

About the Author

Elena Cawley - I work at Beans Creek Winery in Manchester, Tennessee. I love tasting wine and writing about wine.