Local Event
Cost: Free
Here is some additional information following our phone call regarding our Winederful tasting tour. This is a free, local and private event.
Here is the link to download our catalogue with all the winegrowers attending:
The list of winegrowers attending the event
(Prices are in euros)
This time, our tasting will put thespotlight on the East of France with a selection of Burgundy, Alsatian and Champagne appellations.
Please respond to this email to confirm your attendance for both you and your associates including the following details: name, title, company, phone number and email.
If you need further information or wish to sign up, feel free to call us at: + 1 514 844 9993 ext 222 or by email: winetasting3@apvsa.ca.
We look forward to meeting you in Philadelphia!
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