Online Class Premier Host
Cost: 2750.00
Unit D3: Wines of the World (24 weeks of guided online study)
Includes online tuition and online materials, feedback theory & tasting tests, a live online tasting tutorial taught by a CWS instructor (wine samples included with the tutorial), and the exam at the Capital Wine School.
The D3 Wines of the World online course runs for 24 weeks, is comprised of 24 modules, and contains a total of 100 course hours. The student will learn to understand: How the growing environment, grape growing options, winemaking options, wine law and regulation, and wine business influence the style, quality, and price of the principal wines of the world. The student will demonstrate: The ability to taste and evaluate wines from the principal wine regions accurately.
The individual units follow a weekly structure and it is important that you keep up with work set for that week. The educator is not obliged to assess work if you fall behind. The individual units are designed to build upon knowledge gained from the previous weeks, so you should not skip ahead. The online units prepare you for the WSET qualifications and they are guided by a WSET educator. You can contact the educator any time for the duration of the scheduled course, should you have any questions. Each unit includes a series of independent and/or group activities that require you to look in depth at the wine industry, applying subject knowledge and professional skills to analyze key issues. Each unit also includes a feedback test or tests depending on the unit e.g.
Important Dates
April 21, 2025: Start Date
May 3, 2025, 9:00am – 4:00pm: Tasting Tutorial on Zoom with Capital Wine School instructor
October 5, 2025: End Date
October 22, 2025: Theory exam (final) 11:00am – 3:20pm
October 23, 2025: Tasting Exam (final) 10:30am – 2:30pm
Before registering for Unit D3, you must have completed Units D1 and D2. We strongly recommend that students complete Units D4 and D5 before taking Unit D3.
You are advised to taste a range of wines during your studies. A list of recommended tasting samples can be found in the course specification and the online course materials.
Additional Information
*Aside from the wine samples included in the tasting tutorial, students enrolled online, self-paced courses are responsible for finding, purchasing and paying for all additional wines for tasting.
*Wine samples for the tasting tutorial will be available for pickup curbside by appointment at the Capital Wine School the day before the tutorial between 12pm – 5pm. Students who are unable to come to the school to pick up their tutorial wine samples may have their samples shipped to them for an additional shipping fee – please email for more information. Please note that we cannot accommodate requests for wine sample pickups earlier than noon on the day before the tutorial, and that any requests for shipping must be received no later than 7 days before the tutorial date. Finally, wine samples for those who request and pay for shipping will ship to arrive the day before the tutorial, and we cannot accommodate requests for earlier arrival.
Course Minimum: There must be at least 2 students registered for this course in order for it to proceed. If we do not have a minimum of 2 students enrolled by the registration deadline noted below, we will have to cancel this course and offer the remaining registrant the opportunity to transfer to a future course or to receive a refund.
*The registration deadline for this course is April 10, 2025 and there are no refunds or rescheduling after this date.
*When registering for this course, existing Diploma students should use the email address on file with the WSET.
*The WSET does not permit candidates to enroll in concurrent online courses (courses with overlapping start or end dates).
By purchasing your ticket(s), you agree to our payment, refund, cancellation, and reschedule policy.
Hosted by
Capital Wine School
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